Zoom’s Hardware Plan Grows with Zoom for Home, Report
For the majority of workers, working from home essentially means carving out a space in your house to use a laptop and maybe some...
Lions eat poacher, leave only head
Lions eat suspected South African poacher, leave only head, some remains behind.
In what could be seen as an ironic turn of events, the remains...
Coronavirus USA Updates: Black Americans and Latinos nearly 3 times as...
The devastating toll of coronavirus is far-reaching, but the impact of the pandemic is particularly acute among black Americans and Latinos, who are...
Timothy Loehmann who killed Tamir Rice hired by rural police force
Cop Timothy Loehmann Who Murdered 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Gets Another Job as a Cop in Ohio.
Tamir Rice was killed on November 23, 2014 by...
Coronavirus Global: COVID-19 cases surpassed 600,000 worldwide
Coronavirus cases surpassed 600,000 worldwide, with more than 27,000 deaths.
• The United States now leads the world with over 100,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases, overtaking...