Piers Morgan blocks Beverley Turner and brands her ‘pathetic’ for refusing to clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore, Report

Piers Morgan blocks Beverley Turner and brands her 'pathetic' for refusing to clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore, Report
Piers Morgan blocks Beverley Turner and brands her 'pathetic' for refusing to clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore, Report

PIERS MORGAN branded Beverley Turner “pathetic” and blocked her on Twitter after she announced that she would not be joining the UK in clapping for deceased fundraising legend Captain Sir Tom Moore.

On Wednesday evening (February 3rd), Brits across the nation stepped outside their front doors to partake in a communal clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore after the centenarian fundraising veteran passed away from Covid-19.

Piers Morgan, perhaps Britain’s most divisive journalists, became engaged in a Twitter spat with tv presenter Beverley Turner when she announced she wouldn’t not be participating in the event, branding her “pathetic” before blocking her profile.

In her tweet, Turner wrote, “#SirTomMoore and his family did a brilliant job of raising £ for the NHS. It’s great that he lived to 100! It’s awesome that he got one last holiday”.

“But I’m not clapping in the st to maintain the fear that imminent death is all around & we’re all in this together. We’re not”.

This drew the ire of Morgan, who replied “This is so pathetic” and blocked Turner’s profile. She responded with “Must have touched a nerve as been blocked by @piersmorgan.

“I don’t think he liked the fact that it seems – by many of your reactions- that I wasn’t completely wrong… And he does not like to be wrong. Maybe he’s manipulating you all too? Just a thought….”

Morgan later tweeted: “Lots of clapping in my part of West London. Great to hear. Thanks for everything, Captain Tom.”

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