Puppy or Ice cream? Taiwan restaurant serving up ice cream (Video)

Puppy or Ice cream? Taiwan restaurant serving up ice cream (Video)
Puppy or Ice cream? Taiwan restaurant serving up ice cream (Video)
Puppy or Ice cream? Taiwan restaurant serving up ice cream (Video)
Puppy or Ice cream? Taiwan restaurant serving up ice cream (Video)

Puppy or Ice cream? Forget about Cronuts, the interwebs has found its newest sweet spot.

A restaurant in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, took two things people can’t resist — ice cream and puppies — and combined them in a frozen treat.

Newsweek reports the J.C.co Art Kitchen’s pastry chefs only make 100 of the Shar-Pei puppy creations per day. The chefs press ice cream into plastic molds, freeze it (at -22 degrees) for five hours, and then add detail by hand with chocolate before serving.

Reuters reports the special recipe creates a frost that ends up giving the ice cream its “hairy” look. They come in three flavors: peanut, chocolate, and milk tea, and costs between $3.50 and $6.

While they are beyond adorable, it gets strikingly disturbing when guests impale the pups with a spoon — some cutting their midsection, others beheading the frozen Fidos.


Some customers are sympathetic to the poor dog’s ultimate fate.

“I feel sorry for him, because he has been made to look very lifelife,” Mia Hsu told Reuters. “It is as if a real dog is lying here. And I feel like cutting into him will hurt him. I feel a bit sorry.”

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