Sky News Reporter Jon Craig has a meltdown live on air (Video)

Sky News Reporter Jon Craig has a meltdown live on air (Video)
Sky News Reporter Jon Craig has a meltdown live on air (Video)
Sky News Reporter Jon Craig has a meltdown live on air (Video)
Sky News Reporter Jon Craig has a meltdown live on air (Video)

Sky News reporter Jon Craig appeared to have a bit of a meltdown after stumbling over his words on live TV.

The chief political correspondent was discussing ongoing Brexit talks between PM Theresa May and the EU when he stumbled over a word and struggled to regain his composure.

The 60-year-old journo was speaking via a live link from the studio and started his piece by saying: “Theresa May and David Davis are pleading with opponents of Brexit to back the legislation being debated by MPs today…are pulling the European Union.”

Upon realising he had made an error, the TV personality started berating himself and could be heard mumbling “oh god” repeatedly.

Craig, who has been chief political correspondent since 2006, then proceeded to put his heads in his hands before admitting defeat and staring at the camera awkwardly.

In a bid to spare the veteran reporter more embarrassment, producers quickly cut back to the anchor of the broadcast, who told viewers: “We’ll go back to Jon Craig as soon as soon as we’ve sorted the issues there.”

Reactions to the bizarre incident ranged from sympathy to amusement on social media. While it remains unclear what went wrong, several viewers took to Twitter to speculate.

“What did I just watch on @SkyNews ? Oh dear @joncraig having a bad day?” one person asked while another wrote: “He (Jon Craig) does seem to have an issue with his eyes and struggles to shape his words. Hope he’s ok. #skynews.”

You may recall that in 2011, Craig called Jeremy Hunt a “c***” after getting his C’s and H’s mixed up and three years later he swore in frustration at being interrupted by Big Ben’s chimed while he was presenting a report from Westminster.

“Oh, f***ing hell,” he blurted, angrily turning his head to Big Ben in footage broadcast to the nation on Sky News.

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