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Tag: Head Microwave

Sony to stop producing Betamax tapes (Yes, they still exist)

Sony is finally killing Betamax videotapes, the loser in the VCR wars of the 1970s and 1980s. Despite its superior quality, Betamax was doomed as...

Levi Norwood shooting: Va. teen charged with killing mother

A teenager accused of killing his mother and 6-year-old brother in Virginia has been arrested on Saturday. Police said 17-year-old Levianthan "Levi" Henry Norwood was...

Royal Navy ships ‘cannibalisation’ on the rise

The Royal Navy is ‘cannibalizing’ boats for parts to complete the building of other ships, leaving established vessels without the capacity to sail. An...

Dubai police flying motorcycle – Video: Police believe the S3 2019...

Dubai police flying motorcycle - Video: Police believe the S3 2019 hoverbike. Dubai police officers have begun training on flying motorbikes with four propellers to...

Starfish Eating Great Barrier Reef, says new report

Thousands of crown-of-thorns starfish are understood to be eating their way through coral in a major outbreak at the southern end of the Great...