Two seven-month-old twins with different skin colours have become Instagram sensations after their mother started posting snaps of the doe-eyed duo online.
Meet Isabella and Gabriella — two fraternal twin sisters who have stolen our hearts on Instagram.
Their cuteness, which is evident in all the photos posted by their mother Clementine Shipley, have made them Internet’s newest sensation. Don’t miss: Inside Soha Ali Khan’s daughter Inaaya Naumi’s super cute nursery.
Clementine, who also has a two-year-old daughter named Angelina, started the Instagram account @littlestronggirls in July this year and regularly posts adorable shots of her daughters. The account received instant popularity, and has more than 18,000 followers when we last saw.
People regularly post love messages for the beautiful twins, who look strikingly similar, but have different skin tones. While some call them “angels from heaven”, others have complimented them for being “beautiful and happy” babies.
However, Clementine experienced some trolling as well. “From time to time we’ve ran into negative comments about Gabriella’s colour, if she’s loved and if she considered beautiful because of her darker complexion,” the mother told a popular British daily, adding that her children are not of “mixed race”, and are in fact, African American.
The cream in the coffee.