Vegas victim wakes up, takes first steps

Vegas victim wakes up, takes first steps
Vegas victim wakes up, takes first steps
Vegas victim wakes up, takes first steps
Vegas victim wakes up, takes first steps

Las Vegas shooting victim takes first steps after emerging from coma.

An update posted Friday on the GoFundMe page set up for Arundel High School graduate Tina Frost said she is responsive and has taken three steps to a chair and three steps back to the bed with the assistance of nurses.

“She opens her left eye just a lil and looks all around the room at us, taps her feet whenever music is playing, continues to squeeze our hands, and even gives Austin a thumb’s up when asked. She sometimes taps to music and also took her first steps today with the assistance of the nurses – 3 steps to the chair and 3 steps back to the bed,” the post reads.

Frost breathed on her own for six hours Friday.

“We are so proud of our Tina, and everyone is amazed at every single movement she makes,” the post reads. “The doctors have been talking about Tina’s next steps and are discussing other hospitals that will have all the specialists she’ll need during her long road to recovery. She will be moving ICU to ICU, so the whole team will be on track with her recovery.”

Frost, 27, graduated from Arundel High School in 2008 and is an accountant with Ernst and Young in San Diego. Frost and her boyfriend traveled from California to Las Vegas with a group of friends for the Route 91 country music festival. Frost was the only person in their nine-person group to get shot. She was shot in the right eye.

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