Zombie Drug epidemic: SPICE addicts are flooding the streets of Britain

Zombie Drug epidemic: SPICE addicts are flooding the streets of Britain
Zombie Drug epidemic: SPICE addicts are flooding the streets of Britain
Zombie Drug epidemic: SPICE addicts are flooding the streets of Britain
Zombie Drug epidemic: SPICE addicts are flooding the streets of Britain

Britain in grip of zombie drug epidemic as spice addicts plague streets.

The former legal high is available for just £5 a bag and puts users in a comatose state that makes them resemble the walking dead.

Emergency services are struggling to cope with the sheer number of drug users in city centres.

Labour MP Stephen Doughty told the Mirror: “Spice is wrecking lives and communities.

“It is endemic in our prisons and even schools and yet this government has slashed police numbers, and funding in our prisons.”

He added: “Increased crime and demand from killer drugs like spice coupled with cuts is fuelling a national crisis.”

Spice is a synthetic cannabinoid – chemicals that have been developed to act like the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis.

Because it reacts more strongly with the brain, spice is much more potent than natural cannabis.

This means it’s easier to use too much and experience unpleasant and harmful effects.

Doncaster in South Yorkshire is blighted by the horrors of the drug.

Boutique owner Zara Elliott, 31, said: “It’s been terrifying. I see it day in day out.

“There was a guy foaming at the mouth, looking possessed and shouting nonsense.

“This woman and her two children were walking past. One child starts crying and was asking, ‘Mummy, mummy, is that a monster?’

“We see them slumped to the floor all the time and it puts shoppers off. I live above a shop, so I can’t escape.”

Spice is also known by the names black mamba, Bombay blue and genie.

It is highly addictive and most users smoke it, often mixed with cannabis.

Before the ban on psychoactive substances in 2016, it was legal and sold over the counter or online.

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