Android woman? Incredible video of eerily lifelike robot

Android woman? Incredible video of eerily lifelike robot
Android woman? Incredible video of eerily lifelike robot
Android woman? Incredible video of eerily lifelike robot
Android woman? Incredible video of eerily lifelike robot

The incredible footage shows the android woman waving to onlookers and making eye contact with a person filming.

She is, it’s claimed, an eerily lifelike android filmed at this year’s Tokyo Games Show, to the delight and abject terror of millions around the world. But you could be forgiven for doubting your sense.

The creepy ‘creation’ has been shared around social media, providing millions with a glimpse of something that has quickly moved from science fiction to reality in recent years.

Happily, the cybernetic hordes will not be marching on the streets any time soon. This ‘robot’ is either a PR prop or a promotional model for a new Sony Playstation 4 title, Detroit: Become Human.

The development of human-like robots has taken huge strides in the years since Honda’s Asimov robot shot to fame.

Coupled with recent major advances in artificial intelligence – and stark warnings from luminaries like Elon Musk about the risk to humanity as they grow – the revelation of the Detroit: Become Human robot is equal parts tantalising and terrifying, especially because we can’t tell the difference.

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