Birna Brjansdottir Murder: Iceland mourns as body of missing woman is found

Birna Brjansdottir Murder: Iceland mourns as body of missing woman is found
Birna Brjansdottir Murder: Iceland mourns as body of missing woman is found
Birna Brjansdottir Murder: Iceland mourns as body of missing woman is found
Birna Brjansdottir Murder: Iceland mourns as body of missing woman is found

Iceland was in shock after Birna Brjansdottir missing for eight days was found dead on a beach, sparking a rare murder case that has gripped the nation.

Today Police and members of the Search and Rescue units found the body of 20 year old local girl, Birna Brjansdottir. Birna went missing early in the morning of Saturday January 14. Police has arrested two crew members of a Greenlandic trawler, Polar Nanoq, who are believed to have murdered Birna and then dumped her body in the sea. Her body was recovered from the beach near Selvogsviti lighthouse on the south coast of Reykjanes peninsula. Police made the announcement at a press conference earlier today.

The local news site Vísir reports that Police has found blood which has been confirmed to have come from Birna in a red Kia Rio which had been rented by sailors from the Greenlandic trawler Polar Nanoq. Birna’s shoes had previously been found close to where the ship was harboured. On Wednesday Icelandic Police boarded the trawler at sea and arrested the two men at sea. Police has now confirmed that they believe they have overwhelming evidence proving the two men murdered Birna.

A third man was later arrested, but released after questioning. A fourth man is still in custody after Police discovered large quantities of drugs on-board the ship. Vísir reports that the street value of the drugs 1 million USD.

On Saturday the Icelandic Search and Rescue Units mounted the largest search in Icelandic history to try to find Birna. More than 500 ICE-SAR members participated in the search, in addition to the Icelandic Coast Guard, and members of the Police. Her body was found earlier today in the beach near Selvogsviti lighthouse on the south coast of Reykjanes peninsula.

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