Bump stocks ban: Trump announce bump stocks will be banned, Report

Bump stocks ban: Trump announce bump stocks will be banned, Report
Bump stocks ban: Trump announce bump stocks will be banned, Report
Bump stocks ban: Trump announce bump stocks will be banned, Report
Bump stocks ban: Trump announce bump stocks will be banned, Report

Bump stocks ban: Trump announce bump stocks will be banned, Report.

President Trump announced bump stocks will be banned in a matter of weeks. The accessory sparked heated debate after investigators found they were used by the Las Vegas gunman.

Bump stocks have been illegal in California for years, but are still legal federally. Trump first made moves towards a ban last spring, and says it’s been a long process, but it’s now in the final stages. “We’re knocking out bump stocks. I’ve told the NRA, bump stocks are gone,” he said.

Authorities said the Las Vegas gunman used 22 semi-automatic rifles, and 14 of them were equipped with the tool.

Jacob Belemjian, owner of The Firing Line said it’s important to note, bump stocks do not make weapons into automatic rifles. “It basically floats. The gun floats in the stock and it allows the gun to move back and forth while your finger remains static,” he said.

Belemjian also said the president’s announcement probably won’t affect gun enthusiasts, because they most likely don’t use bump stocks. “It reduces the accuracy of the gun, it’s more difficult to aim it accurately. It’s more of a novelty than anything else,” he said.

Still after the shooting lawmakers on both sides of the isle agreed a ban was needed. Now Trump is saying we’re at the end of the procedure. Belemjian said tighter regulations won’t mean less gun violence.

“Criminals don’t care. They don’t care if they break one law or 50 laws. It makes no difference to them. You pass a law making something illegal and it it’s something they want to do, they’re going to figure out a way to do it and they’re going to do it,” Belemjian said.

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