Study: Full Moons Can Apparently Trigger Earthquakes
Large earthquakes occur more frequently at New or Full Moon, scientists have said. Tidal stress is then at its maximum, and...
New sense discovered in dog noses: the ability to detect heat (Study)
If you’ve ever booped the snoot of a good boy—and I sure hope you have—you likely noticed his nose was smooth,...
Single moon dust grain collected during Apollo 17 (New Technique)
Back in 1972, NASA sent their last team of astronauts to the Moon in the Apollo 17 mission. These astronauts brought...
Oldest cave painting in Indonesia Dating Back 40,000 Years (Reports)
Everyone loves to share animal pictures. And that includes Neanderthals.
According to the Associated Press, scientists found the world’s oldest known animal...
Pontius Pilate ring discovered in Bethlehem
CHRISTIANITY TEACHES us to believe that The Bible is the word of God, passed down from century to century as guide...
Hitomi satellite found slow gas flows in galaxy cluster
The Hitomi X-ray astronomy satellite detected, before it lost contact with Earth in late March, that superheated gas at the center...
Researchers discover human-sized penguin fossil on New Zealand
Researchers have discovered a new species of giant, human-sized penguins.
Scientists discovered the fossil remains of the prehistoric penguin in New Zealand’s...
Milky Way is full of ‘space grease,’ says new study
Astronomers were able to work out how much "space grease" was contained in the Milky Way.
The grease-like molecules, called aliphatic carbon,...
‘Wasteful’ Galaxies Launch Heavy Elements Into Deep Space, says new research
Galaxies “waste” large amounts of heavy elements generated by star formation by ejecting them up to a million light years away...
Dinosaur footprints found in Southern Africa
Dinosaur footprints four times bigger than a lion are found in Southern Africa.
Megatheropods were massive two-legged carnivorous dinosaurs — like the...