Underwater castle found at the bottom of a lake Van in Turkey

Underwater castle found at the bottom of a lake Van in Turkey

Researchers studying a vast lake in Eastern Turkey have unearthed the remains of a 3,000-year-old castle buried beneath its waters. Project leader...
NASA conducts successful test for Mars 2020 parachute system

NASA conducts successful test for Mars 2020 parachute system

In preparation for NASA’s next robotic mission to Mars, the space station has performed a successful test of a special parachute...
Shipwreck in Lake Erie could be almost 200 years old (Picture)

Shipwreck in Lake Erie could be almost 200 years old (Photo)

Shipwreck in Lake Erie Could Date From 1829. Cleveland Underwater Explorers may have discovered Lake Erie’s oldest shipwreck, the Lake Serpent. The group...
Gold watch found at 1838 shipwreck (Picture)

Gold watch found at 1838 shipwreck (Picture)

Gold watch found at 1838 shipwreck stuns recovery experts. Divers recovering artifacts off the steamship Pulaski have made an eerie find that...
Researchers record epic sound of Volcanic Thunder for the first time

Researchers record epic sound of Volcanic Thunder for the first time

Volcanic thunder recorded for the first time ever and it sounds epic. Researchers at the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage have managed...
Aztec royal tomb: Flamingo and Child Sacrifices (New Discovery)

Aztec royal tomb: Flamingo and Child Sacrifices (New Discovery)

A newly-discovered trove of Aztec sacrifices could lead archaeologists to the most tantalising find yet: an Aztec emperor's tomb. The sacrifices were...
NASA: Planet nine must exist

NASA: Planet nine must exist

Nasa says it is likely mysterious Planet Nine DOES exist. The existence of 'Planet Nine' has been a source of fierce debate...
Habelia Optata: A 508-Million-Year-Old Sea Creature

Habelia Optata: A 508-Million-Year-Old Sea Creature

A small creature, smaller than an inch in length, that lived about 508 million years ago was, despite its small size,...
80,000 Reindeer Reported Dead: Starvation killed reindeer after unusual Arctic rains cut off the animals' food supply

80,000 Reindeer Reported Dead: Starvation killed reindeer after unusual Arctic rains cut off the...

Starvation killed 80,000 reindeer after unusual Arctic rains cut off the animals’ food supply. In August, a lightning blast claimed the lives...
Brain Uploading To Cloud? Your Mind Uploaded in a Computer Would Not Be You

Brain Uploading To Cloud? Your Mind Uploaded in a Computer Would Not Be You

Startup wants to upload your brain to the cloud, but has to kill you to do it. The idea of being able...

Milky Way Map Has More Data On 1.7 Billion Stars (Video)

Scientists release 3D chart of Milky Way Galaxy showing 1.7 billion stars. Astrophysicists from all over the world have gathered at the Center for Computational...

Trump-North Korea summit canceled: What just happened?

Trump pulls out of summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-un. While U.S. President Donald Trump is a political tyro known for histrionics — threatening “fire...

Freezing ‘Hunger Nerve’ Might Help Shed Pounds, says new study

Freezing the so-called "hunger nerve" could help people lose weight, a small early-stage study suggests. Researchers have located the “hunger nerve” in our bodies that...

Hyundai exploding sunroof: shatter suddenly and without warning

A Hyundai sunroof class action settlement has been proposed that would settle claims the panoramic sunroofs are prone to shatter suddenly and without warning. According...

Dog ham: Stephen Roseman asked for people to send their prayers...

The Internet is really confused about this dog with ham on his face. Stephen Roseman posted the photo to Facebook on December 23 with the...