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NASA has created the coldest spot in space (research)

Nasa has created the coldest spot in the known universe - and it is ten billion times cooler than the depths of space. An experiment...

Kami Rita, Sherpa guide sets record for Everest climbs

Kami Rita breaks record for most Everest climbs. A veteran Sherpa guide has scaled Mount Everest for the 22nd time, setting the record for most...

North Carolina alligators frozen in swamp waters (Photo)

Alligators at a North Carolina outdoor-recreation park displayed their incredible survival skills in viral video showing the reptiles in frozen waters. The Swamp Park's general...

Wild Boar eat from garbage bin near school (Watch)

An enormous wild boar dubbed "Pigzilla" was caught on camera rummaging through a trash bin near a primary school in Hong Kong, and the...

Oklahoma: At least 30 wildfires have burned more than 30000 acres

Residents in Beaver and Forgan, Oklahoma were urged to evacuate when a quick-moving wildfire ignited on Saturday. The National Weather Service in Amarillo detected a...