Coronavirus USA Updates: California reports 98 new deaths

Coronavirus USA Updates: California reports 98 new deaths
Coronavirus USA Updates: California reports 98 new deaths

In California, 98 more deaths have pushed that state’s total to 3,204.

Daily death tolls have plateaued over the last five weeks as the total number of confirmed cases in the state has reached 76,793, the state’s health department reported.

Testing in California has ramped up, with 1,179,126 tests conducted and reported to the California Department of Public Health. This represents an increase of 45,220 tests over the prior 24-hour reporting period, according to the health department.

– Chartered boat services can resume in New Jersey

Fishing and watercraft rentals are set to resume in New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy announced.

The announcement comes a day after Murphy said Jersey Shore beaches would reopen.

Chartered boat services are permitted to reopen at 6 a.m. Sunday, with mandatory social distancing and sanitizing measures in place. Murphy also said that people will pay either online or over the phone to reduce in-person interactions.

Murphy said the metrics of COVID-19, including patients in hospitals, patients on ventilators and patients in the ICU, all were down in a way that showed “we can move forward.”

The governor added that the declines were not just from peaks but “meaningful,” even over the past couple of weeks.

While deaths also declined, Murphy urged the public to remember that the lives lost are not just statistics. An additional 115 people died in the last 24 hours in New Jersey, putting the total at 10,249.

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