Katie Price shares heartache over seeing terminally ill mum Amy struggling to breathe (Photo)

Katie Price shares heartache over seeing terminally ill mum Amy struggling to breathe (Photo)
Katie Price shares heartache over seeing terminally ill mum Amy struggling to breathe (Photo)

Katie Price has revealed her terminally ill mum struggles to breathe as she only has 32 percent of her lung capacity.

Katie’s mum, Amy Price was diagnosed with Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in 2017.

The illness causes scarring to the lungs which reduces the person’s ability to breath and currently there is no cure.

The former glamour model appeared on BBC’s Nolan Live where she went into detail about the struggles she has recently faced in her personal life.

She said: “My mum doesn’t smoke, she’s always been so healthy and she’s got this incurable lung disease and there’s nothing you can do.

“We got in touch with the British Lung Foundation who got us in touch with other people to talk to and they just said build memories, take lots of pictures and that’s all you can really do.

“What else can you do? You know it’s coming and you just have to try and learn to deal with it.

“Now she is on oxygen, it’s hit home again, she’s only got 32 percent of her lung capacity. We’ve got 100 percent, she’s got 32.

“You imagine now being that out of breath, it’s awful, it must be an awful way to go because you’re struggling to breathe.

“It’s horrible to see my mum go through it because she’s so active, it’s a cruel disease to have.”

Katie also went into detail about how she had ‘planned her suicide’ last year after everything came ‘on top’ of her.

She added: “I had lots of things to deal with and I started speaking to a therapist and mental health is massive at the moment for everyone.

“I wanted to committee suicide. I planned it and everything because everything was on top of me. The build up, the media, relationships, I was held at gunpoint in South Africa with my kids and we thought we were going to die, just everything. I’m only human at the end of the day.

“I was strong but there’s only so much you can take.”

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