World’s Strongest Priest Juggles Preaching And Powerlifting

World's Strongest Priest Juggles Preaching And Powerlifting
World's Strongest Priest Juggles Preaching And Powerlifting

Kevin Fast is God’s gift to powerlifting – as he’s the world’s strongest priest.

The pastor, 51, holds multiple world records including the heaviest plane pulled by a man winging in at a whopping 188.83 tonnes.

His other feats include pulling a fire engine over 100ft and hauling a 40-tonne HOUSE down a road.

Kevin, from Cobourg, Canada, competes professionally in Highland style games in North America when not conducting duties such as weddings and baptisms at St Paul’s Lutheran Church.

Kevin, who has been a pastor for the last 22 years, said: “Most people in religious circles find it hard to believe that I do all these feats of strength. A pastor is usually small and weak.

“But my parishioners here at the church are always supportive. We are a nice big family and they like to hear about my exploits.”

Kevin first picked up a set of dumbbells aged 12 and has been putting himself through a grueling training regime ever since.

Most days he can be found training with atlas balls, tractor tyres and cabers on a plot of land gifted to him by the local authorities after he kept trashing the grass with his heavy lifting gear.

The record-breaking strongman, who has three children with wife Suzanne, donates any winnings or money raised through his stunts to local charities.

He added: “I’ve set many records over the years – I’ve pulled planes, trucks, ships and trains. Just about everything you can pull.

“About the only thing I haven’t pulled has been muscles. I’ve been competing at an extreme level for 21 years and don’t want to stop now.

“I’ve been given the ability to do this and I believe it is a gift from God.

“The deal with gifts like this is you have to use them to help people otherwise it would be ungrateful.

“So with all my world record attempts I’ve always tried to raise money for charity.”

His greatest achievement was pulling a CC-177 Globemaster III, weighing 188.83 tonnes – and raising $65,000 (£39,000) in one go.

Describing the monumental moment he pulled the plane, Kevin said: “I was pulling and pulling for about 45 seconds before it even started to move.

“I was completely exhausted – I couldn’t feel my muscles any more, but my mind just took over.

“I pulled with everything I was worth and eventually it started rolling.

“After I broke the record, I didn’t stop because I had zoned everything out and didn’t hear the Guinness adjudicator.

“It was only when my son Jacob, who was alongside me, actually slapped me that I asked why he was hitting me and he shouted you’ve done it you can stop.”

But Kevin’s unusual hobby of pushing himself to the physical limits doesn’t sit too well with his wife Suzanne.

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