Evidence Of Multiverse: Weird 'cold spot' in space could be first sign of a parallel universe

Evidence Of Multiverse: Weird ‘cold spot’ in space could be first sign of a...

First evidence of the multiverse? A supervoid is unlikely to explain a 'Cold Spot' in the cosmic microwave background, according to...
'Ghostbusters' Dinosaur Fossils Found In Montana; says new research

‘Ghostbusters’ Dinosaur Fossils Found In Montana; says new research

The New 'Ghostbusters' Dinosaur Is Also the 'Destroyer of Shins'. Discovered in Montana and currently housed at the Royal Museum of Ontario...
46P/Wirtanen Approaches Earth, Next Week!

46P/Wirtanen Approaches Earth, Next Week!

Stargazers are in for an early Christmas treat next week because a large, bright-green comet that's orbiting the Sun will be...
Massive Solar Storm Is So Powerful, It Could Wipe Out the Internet

Massive Solar Storm Is So Powerful, It Could Wipe Out the Internet

Earth is under attack. Constantly. A stream of high-energy particles comes our way every day and night from the Sun, whose...
Modern-day traits are inherited from Neanderthal DNA, Researchers Say

Modern-day traits are inherited from Neanderthal DNA, Researchers Say

A new analysis of Neanderthal DNA showed today’s humans have more of it than scientists previously thought. Researchers at the Max Planck...
New pyramid discovery to reveal how the wonder was built

New pyramid discovery to reveal how the wonder was built

THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA has long remained a mystery over how it was built over 4,500 years ago. A new...
Solar flares mines: Study finds 1972 eruption caused sea mines to blow up

Solar flares mines: Study finds 1972 eruption caused sea mines to blow up

An extraordinary account of the impact space weather had on military operations in Vietnam in 1972 was found buried in the...
Apollo 14 Earth rock Was Found on the Moon

Apollo 14 Earth rock Was Found on the Moon

A lot of the rocks we have on Earth aare pretty old, but none of them were around when our planet...
Giant asteroid 3200 Phaethon will brush past Earth soon

Giant asteroid 3200 Phaethon will brush past Earth soon

A Giant asteroid 3200 Phaethon is due to brush ‘quite close’ to our planet on December 17, Russian astronomers have revealed. It...
New Marine Spider Species Reminds Discoverers of Bob Marley, Researchers Say

New Marine Spider Species Reminds Discoverers of Bob Marley, Researchers Say

A new species of marine spider that only emerges at low tide in Australia has been named after the reggae music...

Nipah virus warning: Brain-swelling sickness with 75% death rate could spark...

A BRAIN-SWELLING disease 75 times more deadly than Covid could mutate to become the next pandemic killing millions, scientists have warned. Experts told Sun Online...

Beth Goodier: ‘This Real Life Sleeping Beauty’ Has To Deal With...

Beth Goodier, 22-Year-Old With "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome" Sleeps for Months at a Time. On her 17th birthday, Beth Goodier fell asleep and didn't fully wake...

Cassini’s ‘grand finale’ Mission to Annihilation Starts April 22

Cassini's 'grand finale' as NASA prepares to plunge spaceship into Saturn following years of service. For the past 13 years the spacecraft has been orbiting...

Emma Stone has a baby girl! The Cruella actress’ private journey...

Emma Stone has a baby girl! The Cruella actress’ private journey to fame and motherhood. People got rare, detailed insight into Emma Stone’s first days...

Planet X Nibiru Theory: New Bible-based claim says world will end...

The missing planet known as Nibiru, or Planet X, will become visible this Saturday before it destroys us in scenes similar to Armageddon, according...